1. SETUP INTERVIEW REQUIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS: You are required to complete the Setup Interview on our website within 24 hours of making payment in order to ensure there are no delays in completing your order. If you delay in completing the setup interview, we will not be held responsible for such delays outside our control.

2. NO GUARANTEE NOR PREDICTION OF RESULTS: The purchase of a FundingCEO Package (Option 1 or Option 2) facilitates the achievement of success in this industry, but does not guarantee it. No one here can predict your results. Various factors, such as your sales and marketing skills, and your ability to follow-through on our recommendations, are all factors outside our control and for that reason we legally cannot and therefore do not in any way guarantee any particular result, whether we assist you in the marketing and/or sales process or not. YOUR RESULTS WILL DEPEND ON VARIOUS FACTORS OUTSIDE OUR CONTROL AND CANNOT BE GUARANTEED NOR PREDICTED BY ANYONE.

3. PAYMENTS VIA WIRE TRANSFER OR BITCOIN. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS CARRY A 6% SURCHARGE: As a FundingCEO, you already receive deep discounts on all products and services we offer. Therefore, we expect all payments to be via Wire Transfer or Bitcoin, and cannot accept payments from you via Credit Card unless we charge you a 6% Surcharge.

4. PRICE CONTROL: You buy all products and services from us at 33% OFF, but you can charge your Customers any price you desire, up to 200% of our List Price.

5. INITIAL LEADS DATABASE: We will provide you with an Initial Leads Database containing 500 Leads so you can start selling immediately. These Leads will be 3 to 12 Weeks Old and will not be generated using your Brand Name. You will need to call them, explain you work with {Brand Name on Lead}, then try to close the deal. This is just to get your feet wet and hopefully you will close some deals from this Database.

6. ON-GOING MARKETING ASSISTANCE: We can provide you with on-going Marketing Assistance and Services to generate Leads in your Brand Name in Real-Time for additional fees. You will be presented with available options and will be able to make an informed decision as to whether you want us to handle your marketing for you.

7. Free 2+ Year Old Aged Corporation with all Credit-Ready Features: You can select from available 2.01 to 2.94 Years Old Aged Corporations available in the WholesaleShelfCorporations.com Inventory, as long as they are from Colorado. If you would like the Aged Corporation to be from a different state and/or a different age, you may choose from available Corps and pay only the price difference.

8. Merchant Accounts for accepting Credit Cards: We will setup a separate Corporate Entity for you specifically for obtaining Merchant Accounts and processing Credit Cards Payments. We will setup the Corporate Entity for you and apply for the Merchant Accounts until we obtain 2 Merchant Accounts that you can use for processing Credit Card Payments. You will be responsible only for Government Fees and Third-Party Fees – We will not charge you for our effort in this process, and we will apply for up to a maximum of 10 Merchant Accounts if necessary, which should be more than enough to obtain 2 Approved Merchant Accounts.


You authorize us to charge you credit card for the purchase price, and agree that if you decide to split this payment among more than one of your credit cards, that each of your credit cards may be charged without the need for additional authorizations, as long as the total charged does not exceed the purchase price.

You certify that we have verified your credit card (front and back) and photo identification to confirm your identity, and that you are both the customer and the cardholder in this transaction.

You understand that Partial Payment(s) towards the Purchase Price shall be considered as a Non-Refundable Deposit towards the Purchase Price in exchange for the reservation of a certain negotiated deal for a mutually agreed-upon period of time, which shall never exceed 30 Days. In the event this time period expires and the balance of the Purchase Price is not yet paid, you agree that your Partial Payment(s) shall become Store Credit, available for future use with us for a maximum period of 6 months, after which the store credit will expire.

You agree that due to the intrinsic nature of the Product(s), the Product(s) and any associated Service(s) (if any) that may be included with Product(s) cannot be cancelled and are NON-REFUNDABLE.

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